Who are we?

  We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization
  of individual volunteers (doctors, builders,
  teachers, students etc.) who donate our
  time, talents and resources to providing aid
  to the poor, the distressed, or the
  underprivileged, and assist underdeveloped
  communities around the world to improve
  their quality of life.

Serving Others Worldwide was founded in 2008 by humanitarian Isaac Heckman with the intent to create a more altruistic model for non-profit organizations after Mr. Heckman had spent years donating his time and resources in philanthropy to various other "non-profits" only to be disenfranchised seeing of the most well known non-profits paying big salaries and investing in big office spaces in the states with money that was intended to help those in need... Thus, Serving Others Worldwide was created with others who saw the vision to make sure that donors charity goes where they intended it to go and these visionaries have set a high standard and selflessly served without any salary ever since!

At Serving Others Worldwide, we believe in living out "Tikkun Olam" (humanity's shared responsibility to heal, repair and transform the world) one kind act of selfless service at a time.  We believe that ultimate love and world stewardship is expressed in “serving others” and we recognize this world as our home and view all its inhabitants as our family.  Thus we desire to faithfully and cheerfully act our part in bearing the world’s burdens and be willing servants - unselfish, loving and helpful to all and seek to empower others to do the same.

We encourage you to share our vision by either making a donation of financial support, taking time out to personally participate, or if you are a business - consider pledging matching funds toward a project.

For more information please view our FAQs page by clicking here!